Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello :)

Hey guys,
           My name is Vaidheeswarkasyap, and I go by Vk :). I hope all of you had a great summer.I am a junior at Sjsu with a major in Accounting. I was born and brought up in India ; so I am not well versed in English, may it be writing, reading, or speaking it. This would be my very first online class, so I am expecting a very challenging, yet interesting semester ahead for me. Eating, sleeping, and playing soccer are three of my favorite activities :D. My life has been really interesting, as I have been handed glorious opportunities to explore and understand two different environments (U.S and India). Unfortunately, I have not yet been provided the opportunity to develop my communication skills. I feel that this is the perfect opportunity for me to express myself and develop my communication skills.
Keep in touch
SoccerFreak :)

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