Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 8 : General Claims

General claims are basically claims that broaden the view point for the arguer's subject. In this context, a subject can be referred to as "all" or "some". I shall give you an example regarding these two situations below :
Using "All" :
Claim : All parrots are Birds.
This is a valid claim. This claim also generalizes and broadens the subject. This claim does not have a contradictory. The contradictory to this argument would be : No parrots are birds ( which is false ). Hence, there is no contradictory to this claim.

Here is an example for a "some" claim :
Claim : Some human beings have 6 fingers.
Contradicting claim : Some human beings have 5 fingers.

Epstein, in chapter 8 also talks about the reasoning in a chain with "all"
The author states that, only if a particular format is followed, then this method of reasoning will end up valid.
The format to be followed is :
All "S" are "P"
All "P" are "Q"
So all "S" are "Q"

Here is an example for this method :

All Corollas are cars
All cars are automobiles
So all Corollas are automobiles

Now, I shall leave you guys to think about this one :
All eggs are from chickens
All chickens are from eggs
So all eggs are from eggs

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