Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Appeal to Emotion :

An appeal to emotion is " an argument with a prescriptive conclusion, can be good or can be bad. Being alert to the use of emotion helps clarify the kinds of premises needed in such an argument, so we can more easily analyze it" (Epstein, 194). So, an appeal to emotion is used to change / manipulate others' emotions in order to gain their acceptance towards our claim. In other words, the way one succeeds in achieving this, is when the use of strong emotions are being substituted for evidence to back up claims. 
Many well known organizations, brands, and companies use this appeal to gain power, and support. Here is one such example :

This ad, shows there is no evidence to show that the Porche is really as good as they say it is. Instead, the bring out this kid, and make you feel sorry and attached to the kid in the ad. 

The example is also a way of appealing to pity.  In India, appealing to pity is probably the most common means of  convincing people. I particularly find this appeal appealing because, it is very easy to change a person's emotion, than to change their rational thoughts and ideas. In addition, emotions can be easily changed especially when facing depression. 

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