Thursday, December 9, 2010

Useful concept : Fallacies

         I felt that the concept of fallacies was really useful. Every single person in this world would have used a fallacy once in his or her lifetime. The statement that I used is a fallacy in itself. When i said "every singe" I was referring to every single human being in this world, but when you look at it, babies are human beings who still have not even started speaking. So there is no possible way they can come up fallacious statements / arguments. So, to re-word that sentence, most of the people have used fallacious arguments sometime in their lives. This is a really important concept to understand because one can easily get convinced with other's conclusion, especially when they are not providing enough or credible evidence.
           In addition, the words the use to form the argument really shapes its meaning. Being a business major, it is very important for me to understand the fallacies that is being used against me. After understand in depth about fallacies, I can deal with fallacies and question them back if they do try to persuade me with a fallacious argument / statement.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Most Favorite and Least Favorite

This class was a really good experience for me. The most favorite part about this class was, how we were given flexibility with our homework and other projects. On the other hand the least favorite part about this class was the fact that we had to communicate through e-mails, texts, and phone calls instead of communicating face to face.
I believe that the class can be improved in the form of having more in person conversations with the teacher. This will help us clarify more doubts in person, get immediate feedback. I also would have wanted more, clear details on the various assignments given. The directions were a little vague and unclear at times. It confused our group a lot of times.
Other than these small hiccups, the class had many other positives. The class improved my communication skills and taught me valuable lessons that will help me in the future.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What I have learned :

I have learned a lot over the semester. I got myself familiarized with a lot of concepts / skills such as, fallacies, leaderships, facilitating others, reasoning, and group work. Over the course of this semester, I learned how frequently people use fallacies in their argument to convince other people. Another interesting concept that I can relate to the real word is how we reason with others, using various types and methods of reasoning to make our argument strong and valid.
Apart from textbook concepts, I learned how to work with a group, communicate with them (mostly through e-mail and texts), direct a small group and how to take the initiative. It was a very tough challenge for me to help and talk with others via e-mail, but the way this class had been designed has helped me improve my communicating skills. I also learned key information relating to managing a small group. the facilitation project was a really good project as it helped me act and improvise according to the situation.
There were a lot of other concepts that I learned, but I felt that these were the important ones that will help me in the future.