Thursday, September 30, 2010

Repairing Argument

A repairing argument is basically an argument that is missing the connecting factor. In other words, arguments that have a mistake, can be corrected with a suitable premises or a conclusion. This correction can only be done if these three rules satisfy :
1 ) The argument becomes strong or valid
2 ) The premises is plausible and would seem plausible to the other person
3 ) The premise is more plausible than the conclusion.

My argument is :

A Parrot is a bird.
So, a Parrot has feathers

Analysis : Here, my premises is true; My conclusion is also true. But to make this argument a strong argument, a premises needs to be added. The premises to be added here is : All birds have feathers. Now, there is a flow to my argument, and none of my premises can be questioned. Both my premises lead to a clear and valid conclusion. Prior to adding the "repaired" premises, the argument did not make sense, and lacked the  missing link. Thus, the repaired argument would look like 

A Parrot is a bird
All birds have feathers
So, a Parrot has feathers

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